Spread for the 'Transport' section of No Foreign Lands. Image by Daniel C. Britt, who wrote about this scene: "Procuring the minivan was a feat in itself for a ragged bunch of 14-year-old Afghan nomads — now if they could only get it started."

No Foreign Lands Now Available for Kindle

by David Miller Jan 2, 2012

Title: No Foreign Lands
Price: $19.99 [buy], or $9.99 For Kindle Edition
Publisher: Matador Network Publishing
Designer: Linda Cobb of Bumpercrop studio.
Editor: David S. Miller
Pages: 100, full-color, with introduction, photographers’ notes, and bibliography

No Foreign Lands, a hybrid travel photography book and quote anthology, is now available for Kindle.

NO FOREIGN LANDS takes 100 of the most memorable quotes ever spoken or written about journeys and places, and juxtaposes them over striking travel images from Matador’s extended community of photographers.

As opposed to a simple collection of travel “adages,” the quotes in No Foreign Lands have been compiled and edited to create an almost narrative-like experience for the reader. We had great sales over the holidays and are looking forward to seeing what people say about this as a Kindle title.

Part of the introduction is available for free in the “Look Inside this book” preview. Enjoy everyone.

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