Five Creative Car Commercials Designed to Blow Your Mind

by Candice Walsh Jan 18, 2010
With huge car manufacturers like General Motors closing down 2,600 dealerships this past year, it’s hard to believe now is a good time to buy a vehicle.

The argument is split. Some business experts are encouraging car ownership, others are saying beware the market. While helping a friend research cars, however, I came across some incredible commercials — old and new — which serve as a testament to an industry which won’t quit finding innovative ways to bring the buyer.

Theo Jansen’s incredible monsters and fancy science may be attention-grabbing, but ultimately my friend decided the only way to make a good judgement was to test drive a few vehicles and visit dealerships.

It’s more important to find what works best for you. How comfortable do you feel behind the wheel? Does the vehicle have everything you need? And, of course, can you really afford it, or can you live without it?

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