Photo: Artem Oleshko/Shutterstock

Relate Magazine Seeks Submissions for Upcoming E-Book

by Candice Walsh Feb 20, 2010
Do you have a story to tell about overcoming your challenges related to body image and self-esteem? Can you offer advice for others on how to deal with these topics? Relate Magazine wants to hear what you have to say.

Relate Magazine is developing an e-Book series and wants to include your stories, thoughts, advice and ideas. The first issue focuses on body image and self esteem.

They’re particularly interested in articles dealing with:

  • How media influences the way you see yourself
  • How being made in God’s image changes that view
  • How others affect your self esteem
  • How you cope with these issues

For more information, check out the Relate e-Book Call For Submissions Guidelines.

Email submissions to with the story attached in the body or attach it as a Word document. You can also choose to remain anonymous.

Deadline is February 26, 2010.

Happy writing!

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