Photo: hurricanehank/Shutterstock

Monday Mashup - TBEX to SXSW

by David Miller Mar 22, 2010
Every Monday we mash up various links, stories, and whatever else we feel like might be relevant to travel writers, ‘journos,’ and all y’all.
Call for TBEX Keynote Pieces

Over the weekend we passed this link around the team alot: Call for 2010 TBEX Keynote. TBEX founder Kim Mance explains:

You do not need to attend TBEX ’10 to submit work for inclusion in the Community Keynote (though we’d love to see you). Simply review the list below and submit one of your favorite blog posts that fits into a specific category. All work must be original, written by you, and published on your blog (whether old or new). There is no compensation for entries chosen (beyond TBEX fame and a link), and author retains their own copyright. One submission per person, only!


The “Internet” as Nobel Prize candidate

In case you haven’t heard already, in a bit of anthropomorphism that could only occur in postmodern society, the “internet” is “in the running” for a Nobel Prize.

Tom Gates’ actual email: notes from SXSW

[Tom Gates emailed this to the team this morning. Links added for reference]

Just back from SXSW and some pool party where I apparently drooled over somebody who was on The Hills (embarrassing):

1) Hal and wife = SO ANNOYING to meet somebody that compatible, nice, refreshing and wonderful. Only reminds me of what I’ve yet to have done in the world. If Kate would be a man, I might be able to start on a relationship…
2) Lindi = “How, like, do we crash this Rachel Ray party”? Then, 30 seconds later, we crashed it.
3) The Music Industry is so hilariously fucked that it is amazing to be a part of this team. Publishing may be crazed, the Travel World may be zonked but…when you spend a week with musicians sucking teets for attention, you realize just how square we all have it. I spoke with so many people who are supposed to be experts in so many fields of the music world…we have them surrounded. Everyone at Matador: PLEASE, please remember that we have it in the bag. We’re not right about everything but…eh. You guys. I’m not much for how to express the “stoke” thing but…you don’t know how lucky we are. To work for a group where everyone can voice their opinion, where genuinely important decisions can be made in three email blasts…at some point I hope to form a coherent email about all of this but this week I was again reminded by how much we are unique, not only in the travel world but in THE WORLD.
4) Matador needs to address the concept of Mancook. Paul?

Have a great week everybody.

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