Special Enrollment Week / Twitter Contest at MatadorU

by David Miller Jun 2, 2010
For the next week we’re offering a promo code to Matador readers that knocks $40 off the price of all MatadorU enrollments. Help let people know via Twitter, and you qualify for a FREE course at the U.
Photo: courtesy of Matador

[UPDATE 6/01/10 – Congratulations Alina Rădulescu (@Ariko) for winning this week’s Twitter contest at MatadorU!!]

MORE STUDENTS continue enrolling at MatadorU, and the student-teacher interaction, work being shared / critiqued, and strength of our community just keeps progressing. We’re in the process of compiling a complete page on what people are saying, but in the meantime, here are a few quotes from students

Still, we’d like for more people to participate, and so we’re having a special enrollment week / Twitter contest this week. Here’s how it works:

Starting today, and running until next Tuesday, at 12:00 pm EST, we’re offering a promotional code at the U that will give you $40 off your enrollment of either the Travel Photography or Travel Writing programs. Register here using the code: TWITTERPROMO

Additionally, you qualify to win FREE enrollment by doing the following three steps (should take less than 30 secs)–

1) Make sure you follow us @MatadorNetwork so we can get in touch if you win.

2) Post the tweet below to your own Twitter account to help us spread the word about the contest.

3) Leave your @twitter_user_name in the comments below, along with the reason why why you want to join MatadorU.

We’ll be looking at the comments over the next week, and choose whoever seems like they’ll benefit most from the course.


Winners will be announced next Tuesday at the end of the contest via twitter, and also update here via a post at Matador.

Good luck to everyone, and we look forward to announcing the winner!

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