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Upcoming Travel Writing From the Roads Scholars

by David Miller Jun 2, 2009
Congrats to Kyle Smith, the winner of the 2009 Roads Scholarship.

A COUPLE WEEKS ago, Pat the Digital Vagabond gave us an opportunity to offer feedback on the finalists for the Roads Scholarship.

It was inspiring to see people who have built lives around charging their unique visions.

We were all particularly impressed by the writing, creativity, and humor of the winner, Kyle Smith.

I noted to Pat that “anybody who could instigate a group of Philippine girls to sing “Shorty Got Low” earned points. Check it out here:

Watch more Cebu videos at

Kyle will begin his trip the third week of June, vagabonding and camping across America’s wilderness and small towns before arriving at Burning Man the first week of September. He’ll have his video camera, DSLR camera and laptop. Look for special dispatches from the Roads Scholarship here here at the Traveler’s Notebook.

Congrats also to the Honorary Roads Scholars JoAnna Haugen, Marina (aka Rinamarina), and Alanna (aka – Roadsonmyface).

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