Photo: dreamingandwandering

The 11 Most Inspiring Travel Photos This Week

by Katie Scott Aiton Mar 29, 2016

EACH WEEK WE CHOOSE OUR favorite images from readers, fans, and travelers, who tag their photos with #travelstoke and post them on our Instagram account. These pictures provide a daily dose of incentive, and challenge us to photograph the world in innovative ways.

Here are this week’s editors’ picks of people finding some serious #travelstoke.

Ali Horne, Glen Coe, Scotland.

Protector of the Realm. #highlandcollective

Una foto publicada por Alistair Horne (@ali.horne) el

Jett & Kathryn Britnell, Tahiti.

Snorkeling with Humpback whales #Tahiti #Moorea

Una foto publicada por The Nomadic Tribes (@thenomadictribes) el

Steve Gisselman, Queenstown, Newzealand.

Grant Ordelheide, Bugaboos, Canada.

Thinking back to the long and smokey approaches in the Bugaboos. Can’t wait to go back to this spectacular place one day!

Una foto publicada por Grant Ordelheide (@grantordelheide) el

Michael Matti, Coalcliff Rockpools, Australia.

Now that I’m back in Seattle, I’m beginning to look through the photos of the many adventures that were had on this last trip and I’m reminded of the power of community, and specifically this @Instagram community. In this online space it might be easy to get jealous or feel competitive or get caught up in numbers. I know I am guilty of all those things at times. And sure there are more ads and sponsors then ever, I am guilty of this as well. But lets remember and focus on the joy this community brings, the friendships its developed, and the memories its helped to make. For me, traveling just wouldn’t be the same if it weren’t for the people I meet along the way. Shoutout to the Sydney crew @matjoez, @samyeldham, @olymli, @tscharke, @_danieltran_. Thanks for meeting me in Fiji @DanielPeckham. Thanks for letting me crash on your couch and showing me around Oahu @DallasNagata. And special thanks to @William_Patino who let me have a micro SD card when I forgot mine the morning I met up with him to shoot this pool. Couldn’t have gotten this shot without you 👊 #CommunityFirst #CoalcliffBeach #Coalcliff #Australia #Instagram #Socality

Una foto publicada por Michael Matti (@michaelmatti) el

Paul, Germany.

Chloe Hibbert, Moraine Lake in Alberta, Canada.

Booking my 2016 holidays and it feels good to think about vacation again. If you could fly to one place right now, where would it be? ✈️ #canada

Una foto publicada por C H L O E H I B B E R T ( el

Martina Gebarovska, Blachford Lake Lodge in Yellowknife, Canada.

The skies don’t get much better from here and I feel like I couldn’t even dream this stuff up… Today it’s my birthday and also last day in Canada as tomorrow morning I am flying home to Czech Republic after 15 amazing months spent in such a beautiful and diverse country. I will miss those starry skies, turquoise lakes, incredible mountains, wild archipelago coastlines, deep woods, deers walking in your garden and squirrels stalking you along the trail. I will miss you all my lovely friends, you beautiful souls. But also I am so happy I’ll see my family after such a long time and reunite with my friends back home as it’s truly hard not being in their lives any more. I can’t wait to eat Czech bread and drink Czech beer again. Also there are some amazing adventures waiting for me in the next few weeks and hopefully I should be back in Canada for summer. No need to cry, it’s time to pack my bag :) #dreamingandwandering #igloo #northernlights #natgeoadventure ——Takhle krásný to nemůže být přeci ani ve snu… Uf, na oslavu narozenin dneska není čas, jelikož balím, loučím se a hledám pas, a zítra po 15ti měsících vyrážím zpátky domů (pokud ten pas najdu). Už teď mi tahle nádherná země chybí. Majestátní hory, kouzelné noci, modromodroucí jezera, Tichý oceán tříštící se o skály, na kterých polehávají tuleni, hluboké lesy, srnky, pasoucí sena zahradě za domkem, veverky doprovázející mě na horských túrách a přátelé z celého světa se stejným přístupem k životu, respektem k naší planetě a stejným smyslem pro humor. Na druhou strany už se ale taky nemůžu dočkat na všechny ty blízké, co jsem dávno nechala doma, protože zjišťuju, že je to čím dál těžší nebýt součástí životů lidí, které v tom životě prostě mít chcete. A český chleba a pivo :) … Za ty dva měsíce, co pobudu doma, mě čekají krásná stará i nová setkání, spousta focení a jedno polární dobrodružství. Budu mít po republice pár přednášek z cest, které tady postupně vyvěsím a snad některé z vás konečně poznám osobně. A taky dokončuji nový český projekt, který vám už brzy představím. Krásný den všem a já jdu hledat pas.

Una foto publicada por Martina Gebarovska (@dreamingandwandering) el

Dawid Botha, Villefranche-sur-mer, France.

Christin Healey, Yosemite National Park, California.

When it seems as though the entire world is stretched right out there before you 🌄 #optoutside #yosemite @westcomb

Una foto publicada por Christin Healey (@christinhealey) el

Sejokko, Parque das Nações, Portugal.

Between patterns ✨ . #whppatterns

Una foto publicada por @sejkko el

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