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20 Expressions That Prove the Portuguese Are Obsessed With the Sea

Portugal Student Work
by Sandra Guedes Oct 7, 2015

1. A Portuguese will not tell you it is the little guy that suffers the consequences, he says ‘when the sea hits the rock, the mussels get screwed.’ (Quando o mar bate na rocha, quem se lixa é o mexilhao.)

2. A Portuguese does not ‘work a lot,’ he ‘gets water up his beard. (Água pela barba.)

3. A Portuguese doesn’t think he is a big shot, he thinks he is a ‘racing mackerel.’ (Estás armado em carapau de corrida.)

4. A Portuguese will not tell you that you should have learned your lesson the first time, he will say you have no reason to ‘complain about the sea, if you are sailing on it again.’ (Sem razao se queixa do mar, quem nele outra vez navega.)

5. A Portuguese does not tell you to forget about the past, he tells you that ‘the water that has passed the mill will not make it work again.’ (Águas passadas, não movem moinhos.)

6. A Portuguese does not think something is more than what he can handle, he thinks ‘it’s too much sand for his truck.’ (É demasiada areia para a minha camioneta.)

7. A Portuguese does not make a fool of themselves, he ‘lets the water in.’ (Mete àgua)

8. A Portuguese doesn’t not tell you to bugger off, he tells you to ‘go see ships.’ (Vai ver navios.) </h2.

9. A Portuguese does not think there will be other opportunities, he thinks ‘there are more tides than sailors.’ (Há mais marés, que marinheiros.)

10. A Portuguese will not say you only truly know people when the problems arise, he says ‘you only know the sailor when the storm comes.’ (Conheces marinheiro quando vem a tempestade.)

11. A Portuguese will not tell his guests it is time for them to leave, he will say ‘guests are like fresh fish, they are very good but after three days they stink.’ (Os convidados são como peixe fresco; são muito bons mas ao fim de 3 dias cheiram mal.)

12. A Portuguese does not think you have a natural ability to make it happen, he thinks ‘sons of fish knows how to swim.’ (Filho de peixe, sabe nadar.)

13. A Portuguese will not tell you it is important to find a balance, he will say ‘not as close to the sea, not as close to the shore.’ (Nem tanto ao mar, nem tanto à terra.)

14. A Portuguese will not tell you there will be bad weather soon, he will say ‘seagulls on land, storm in the sea.’ (Gaivotas em terra tempestade no mar.)

15. A Portuguese will not tell you to get ready for a challenge beforehand, he will say ‘those who go to sea, get ready on land.’ (Quem vai ao mar avia-se em terra.)

16. A Portuguese will not say you missed an opportunity, he will say ‘those who go to sea, lose their seat.’ (Quem vai ao mar perde o lugar.)

17. A Portuguese does not think that every opportunity is a good opportunity, he thinks that ‘not everything that comes to the net, is a fish.’ (Nem tudo o que vem à rede é peixe.)

18. A Portuguese will not tell you things will get better soon, he says ‘there is no rough sea that does not calm down.’ (Não há mar bravo que não amanse.)

19. A Portuguese does not think his efforts are useless, he thinks ‘it’s useless to take water to the sea.’ (É inútil levar água ao mar.)

20. A Portuguese will not tell you to be careful when you venture into the unknown, he will say ‘there is sea and sea, there is going and coming back.’ (Há mar e mar, há ir e voltar.)

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