Photo: Gudkov Adrey/Shutterstock

Problem-Solving: Made in Africa

by Eva Holland Jul 10, 2008

I don’t want to become that “look! a good news story about Africa!” girl, but hey, here I go anyway:

Look! A good news story about Africa! is a website that showcases the latest inventions and problem-solving tools created by entrepreneurs – often self-taught amateurs – on the continent.

The idea, in the words of the About AfriGadget page, is to publicize the many examples of “Africans bending the little they have to their will, using creativity to overcome life’s challenges.”

Re-using materials, and turning bad things into good things, are both common themes. Take this story: Ethiopian Ingenuity: Turning Mortar Shells Into Coffee Makers. Fair Trade latte, eat your heart out. That’s a cup of coffee with a difference!

The writers and editors behind AfriGadget get many of their stories from wire services and news organizations around the world, but they’re also actively looking to cultivate more grassroots reporting.

So writers and photographers, if you’re headed to the continent, or if you have cameras, audio recorders or other equipment to spare, get in touch!

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