Photo by Scott Sporleder.

Matador Now on Tumblr

by David Miller Dec 19, 2011
Matador’s tumblr presence features daily imagery and stoke from around the network and community.

TUMBLR is killing it. In 2011 they surpassed in total number of blogs hosted (currently closing in on 38 million blogs) and in October they became the first platform to host President Obama’s blog.

If you’re not familiar with Tumblr, it’s a platform for sharing content – images, video, text, quotes, chats, audio – in an easy to use and aesthetically pleasing way. Unlike other blogging platforms, content you like on other people’s Tumblrs can be “reblogged” on yours, similar to “retweeting” on your twitter stream or embedding someone else’s video to your blog via youtube or vimeo. Reblogging enables users to create a kind of scrapbook of what they like on the internet, and facilitates community building around particular content areas.

We’re stoked to finally have a Tumblr and bring more travel culture to this space online. Please check out Matador’s Tumblr, and follow us if you like. Tumblr has an option of “ask us anything” (check the top right of the header). Post questions about travel culture, writing, photography, new media, whatever you feel like, and we’ll answer them.

How to get your work on Matador’s Tumblr

Matador editors post photography and writing from new members in our community as well as from the network. There is also an option to submit directly via Tumblr. Send us some fuego.

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