Matadorians Adventuring on Land and in the Air

by Eileen Smith Nov 2, 2010
Here are Matadorians playing and exploring various types of terrain and aerial environments.

FOLLOWING UP FROM three weeks ago when we featured Matadorians playing hard in surf and snow, we present the land and air edition. Check out these Matadorians’ pictures below, and click on their profiles to find out more about what these folks are up to. Every week Pulse runs a photo essay featuring Matadorians’ photos.

1. 3mphrtw
Pedaling across the horizon.
3mphrtw on Matador.

2. 25hoursinaday
About to let go.
25hoursinaday on Matador.

3. Aaron Hotfelder
Cotopaxi, Ecuador.
Aaron Hotfelder on Matador.

4. Adrenachrome
Parachute landing.
Adrenachrome on Matador.

5. Adri
Paragliding in Pokhara.
Adri on Matador.

6. Aimee and Ryan
A line of aspiring sandboarders in Namibia.
Aimee and Ryan on Matador.

7. Ainsley
On a flying trapeeze.
Ainsley on Matador.

8. Alex Brower
Vertical climb.
Alex Brower on Matador.

9. Alex Rhodes
After 60 miles of brutal climbing.
Alex Rhodes on Matador.

10. Award
Beneath a gloomy sky, with a great view.
Award on Matador.

11. Awolracing
Abseiling (rapelling) with a bike on board.
Awolracing on Matador.

12. Bdhussain
Getting ready to go sandboarding.
Bdhussain on Matador.

13. Boduzadfa
Protected from the sun in sepia tones.
Boduzadfa on Matador.

14. Hans Fellman
Full extension on the bungee jump.
Hans Fellman on Matador.

15. Marie DeJournette
On Mont Blanc.
Marie DeJournette on Matador.

16. Mihai Barbu
Fixing a flat.
Mihai Barbu on Matador.

17. Nickmunstr
Skydiving over Interlaken, Swiss Alps.
Nickmunstr on Matador.

18. Searchlight
Cycling in Vietnam.
Searchlight on Matador.

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