Photo Essay: Meet Matador Members, October Edition

Photo + Video + Film Miscellaneous
by Eileen Smith Oct 25, 2010
Our community is growing by the hundreds every week.

BELOW ARE PHOTOS of twenty Matadorians out exploring the world. Check the community often to see who else you have all that and more in common with. And click here to check out our newest community members. We’ll be back with more in November!

1. Aaron Hartig
Moved to Oregon in 2007 from Massachusetts where I found my joy for the outdoors. Rock climbing, Surfing, Hiking, Backpacking, anything that can get me outside I am down for.
Aaron Hartig on Matador.

2. Andrea Fish
One of the few things I love more than exploring new places is cooking all the new food I’ve tried in those new places!
Andrea Fish on Matador.

3. Andrea Martinez
Andrea recently graduated with a degree in Geography & Latin American Studies. In September she will receive her TEFL Certification and hopes to land an ESL teaching position in Buenos Aires, Argentina by the end of this year.
Andrea Martinez on Matador.

4. Benjamin Cole
Ben Cole is a man on a mission: help launch innovative and appropriate technologies across Africa to effect positive social change.
Benjamin Cole on Matador.

5. Chris Miller
Chris is a journalist, writer and current Peace Corps Volunteer from Portland, Oregon. He now resides in eastern Ukraine, where his limited Russian language skills get him into some amusing situations.
Chris Miller on Matador.

6. Cheryl Ware
Though I have had a long career as a professor of literature and writing, I am nearing retirement — or graduation, as I now refer to it. In my new life, I will be freer to travel whenever I want, no longer limited to semester breaks and summers.
Cheryl Ware on Matador.

7. Jay Russell
I’m still trying to work out and flex the traveling part of my being. Each experience has brought something new, and despite the more trying times abroad, each trip has helped clear something up, ironing out the crinkles is how I like to think of it.
Jay Russell on Matador.

8. Khuffman
Before I die I’d like to: have no regrets and say goodbye to spoiled grandkids.
Khuffman on Matador.

9. Kelsey Suemnicht
Kelsey Suemnicht is an avid adventurista and blooming blogger who you can find in her native Northern California when she isn’t traveling the world.
Kelsey Suemnicht on Matador.

10. Kurtis Russell
After a run of bad luck, some risky decision making, and some falling out, I’ve been stranded. I want to get back to traveling. Its absence is killing me. I’ve been rendered penniless and am not sure how to proceed.
Kurtis Russell on Matador.

11. Lezopera
I’m an undergraduate studying (and travelling) in Europe for the first time. Academically I’m interested in literature, art, and gender/sexuality. or: I do a lot of short story writing and sketching, and I’m trying to develop my photography skills.
Lezopera on Matador.

12. Livinatree
Traveling is not a hobby for me, it’s my life. My first travel experience was a 2-month road trip across the US, when I was 17.
Livinatree on Matador.

13. Luke Sewell
My name is Luke Sewell from London and I have been living, working and enjoying discovering latinoamerica for the past two years.
Luke Sewell on Matador.

14. Monicaqprelle
Monica is passionate about mountain biking, surfing, snowboarding, wilderness exploration and fishing with a fly rod. She loves ice cream, black coffee, champagne and pizza.
Monicaqprelle on Matador.

15. Paul McManus
Paul has been an avid cyclist and bike racer most of his life. Currently he works for the Tour d’Afrique Ltd which hosts long distance bike tours on 5 continents.
Paul McManuson Matador.

16. Rebecca Bria
Rebecca is an investigative archaeologist from the US (Vanderbilt Univ.) working in the Callejón de Huaylas Valley, Peruvian Andes. She also collaborates with the local rural communities with educational, tourism and development programs.
Rebecca Bria on Matador.

17. Jacob Swift
I have several goals and dreams. I am a writer, I want to teach english and history, learn carpentry (furniture), blacksmithing (weaponry), and would love to work as a sailor on an actual sailing ship. I travel because I want to, and do not back down from hard work for a meal or shelter.
Jacob Swift on Matador.

18. The Nomadic Nanny
Before I die I’d like to: be in a band, work as a journalist, become fluent in French, have a garden, and meet a great love.
The Nomadic Nanny on Matador.

19. Jennifer Hattam
Jennifer Hattam is a journalist, blogger, traveler, photographer, wanderer, reader, and enjoyer of good things to eat and drink.
Jennifer Hattam on Matador.

20. Whitney Tucker
I’m a time travelling, space splattering, chit chattering, dread dancing, music mastering, hell of a being.
Whitney Tucker on Matador.

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