Photo: The Happy Broadcast/Instagram

Adorable Illustrations Report Good News Around the World From 2019

by Eben Diskin Dec 10, 2019

There’s a lot of depressing news out there. From violence to natural disasters, the climate emergency, and politics, it often sounds like the world is constantly worse for the wear. It can be easy to forget that there is, in fact, some good news out there. That’s why The Happy Broadcast is here to remind us of all the good things that have happened this year.

According to the creators, The Happy Broadcast is “a counter hate and fear project that features positive news from around the world.”

So as we head into 2020, here are some of the positive headlines we can be proud of from 2019.

A species of humpback whales has returned from the edge of extinction

Plastic bag sales in England’s largest supermarket fell by 90 percent

Canada created a massive Arctic conservation zone

The Netherlands became the first country with zero stray dogs

A German circus replaced real animals with holograms to reduce animal cruelty

6,600 lbs of trash were collected from Mount Everest

The world’s largest organic rooftop farm is going to open in Paris

The world is now a greener place

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