Photo: Samuel L. Jackson/Twitter

Samuel L. Jackson Teaches You How to Curse in 15 Different Languages

News Languages
by Eben Diskin Sep 17, 2020

On Monday, Samuel L. Jackson promised to deliver a lesson to his Twitter followers. No, the actor isn’t launching an acting Masterclass. Instead, he offered to teach how to swear in 15 different languages. All his followers had to do to hear their favorite actor curse in Nepali and Basque was to pledge to vote in the upcoming election.

“Listen up,” says Jackon’s tweet. “If 2,500 of you click a voting action below to make sure you’re #GoodToVote, I will teach you to swear in 15 different languages. Go to now!”

Jackson is partnering with the non-profit HeadCount to increase voter registration before the election this November.

And Jackson wasn’t all talk. When 2,500 people pledged, Jackon dropped some knowledge on his audience.

In a follow-up video, he says, “You showed up and showed out for our voter action goals. Now, time for me to hold up my end of that bargain. Let’s do some cussing in 15 languages.” As promised, he proceeds to read 15 notecards with curses written in Basque, Vietnamese, Ukranian, Swahili, Nepali, Icelandic, Maori, Jamaican Patois, Haitian, Czech, Esperanto, Bemba, Catalan, Brazilian Portugese, and Thai.

He did not, however, provide definitions for the words, so we’ll just have to leave that up to our imagination.

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