YOU KNOW THE TYPE: weeks unshaven, bloodshot-baggy-eyed, malnourished, overstuffed backpack, gleefully counting passport stamps and eating a bread sandwich.
The budget traveler.
Poor schmuck.
So wide-eyed and naive to the world, believing they’re ‘exploring the world’, when really they’re just covering already-tread, tourist-trashed ground.
You, on the other hand, are not limited by the boundaries of ‘budget’. You have options. You have equity. A checking balance that matches your phone number. Or, perhaps, a very large credit card bill.
Either way, a great deal of the world is off-limits to those who can’t afford helicopters, private jets, and the services of survivalists in good diplomatic standing with indigenous tribes. Whether you’re booking on a Black Card or taking out a second mortgage, here’s 10 adventures that might require a few shots of liquid courage before clicking ‘Add to Cart’.