Meet an Expert: Guadeloupe

Guadeloupe Travel
by Carlo Alcos Apr 20, 2009

Photo: Anna Brones

If you’re looking for local advice, our Matador destination experts may be able to help. This week we introduce you to Anna Brones — our Guadeloupe go-to gal.

“A traveler without observation is a bird without wings.” – Persian poet Moslih Eddin Saadi

Meet Anna Brones, our destination expert for the French archipelago of Guadeloupe (don’t confuse it with Guadalupe!). Should you find yourself planning a visit to these islands in the Caribbean Sea, drop her a note — she would love to share her knowledge of the area.

Languages spoken, other than English: French, Swedish.

Travel style: With my backpack and a notebook covered in random global stamps, on the search of local food and drink. And yes, many Moleskines. Cliché but necessary.

I want to make a difference by: Inspiring people to live environmentally conscious lifestyles — we can’t travel and explore on a dead planet, and if we don’t start changing our daily habits and pushing for change, that will be the direction that we’re going.

Anna grew up with a Swedish mother and an American father, encouraging her interest in culture and languages at an early age. She never travels without her sketchbook and she has an addiction to coffee, dark chocolate, and fresh pineapple.

After college, Anna spent a school year working as an English teacher in Guadeloupe. She says that experience, coupled with having lived and studied in France, gives her a strong tie to the Francophone world, and she often throws French words into the mix just for fun.

Anna currently works as senior editor for Wend Magazine, and her Matador profile can be found right here.

Make sure to check out her personal blog, je vais où?


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