Brave New Traveler Named Finalist For 2 Travvie Awards

by Ian MacKenzie Feb 22, 2007

The Travel Blog AwardsA little while back, I’d mentioned the open nomination for the Travvies, the brand new travel blog awards initiated by Mark Ashley.

Yesterday, they announced the finalists, as chosen by their panel of prestigious judges, and I’m happy to report that Brave New Traveler made the cut for two categories:

  • Best Travel Blog
  • Best Group Written Travel Blog

I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t exciting to be in the running with the ranks of Newyorkology, Vagablogging, along with the rest of the deserving finalists.

I couldn’t have done it without our fantastic guest contributors, writing quality posts week after week. And of course, a big thank you to our readers, who nominated Brave New Traveler in the first place.

Once again, I must ask for your support.

Voting is now on for the next week, and I’d be eternally grateful if you’d head over and cast your vote.

I’ll report back with the winners once the votes are tallied.

Lastly, if you’re looking for a writeup of all the original nominations, check out a great analysis over at Travel Notes.

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