Goodbye 2006: Brave New Traveler's Year End Retrospective

by Ian MacKenzie Dec 30, 2006

Me and my dog Tobi share a tender moment

Well, it’s just about the end of 2006. It’s been an interesting year for Brave New Traveler — or in fact, an interesting 3 months.

When I started this publication in early October I wanted to create an informative, entertaining, and enlightening online travel magazine for the emerging era. With my own posts and the help of some talented guest authors, I think we’ve succeeded.

So to celebrate, here’s a look back at the best of the past 3 months.


In our inaugural month, we learned the ecological footprint of the human species has started using more resources per year than the earth can hope to regenerate. In response I wrote about how make your flights carbon neutral which is still secondary to the best idea: fly less.

On the photography end, I revealed the courteous way to steal someone’s soul (hint:ask their permission) along with 5 reasons to keep your travel blog with an online travel community, and how to kick off your travel writing with a bang.


Our first interview is a compelling discussion with Heath Johns, resident geek for, where we discuss cell phones, security, and the future of GPS mapping. This proved all the more topical after it was revealed the US government has been secretly assigning travel terrorist scores unbeknownst to their citizens.

We also began exploring the role of the 21st century traveler, with our series Priviledge and Responsibility.

Guest author Sarah Stuteville wrote the first article “Atheists in the Holy Land” an unflinching report from Israel set during the summer of 2006. This was followed by Sean Aiken’s “Waiting For Life To Begin” recounting his experiences in a Burmese refugee camp, and Cameron Karsten’s inner exporation of “Culture Hopping.

I also published a sweeping epic post on 12 personal travel websites that will make you quit your day job. If you plan on blogging the journey, you may want to avoid the new travel writer’s most common mistake.


Our biggest month yet, December marked some weighty musings on mortality and the myth behind what could actually kill you on the road.

Naomi Liu shares her 5 essential travel photo tips and Pam Mandel asks why should she read your travel blog?

Later in the month, we welcomed Cameron Karsten as the spiritual travel editor. His first two columns explored the art of spiritual travel, and techniques for uncovering inspiration in the present moment.

Finally — I decided the anti-tourist is deluding themselves since we’re all tourists now, and the first casualties of climate change are a warning of things to come.

Looking forward…

That about does it. We’ve got a great lineup of articles coming up, including a guide on getting started in travel journalism and a comprehensive interview with organic-farmer-to-be Derek Wallace.

Remember, if you haven’t subscribed to the RSS feed or signed up for the email updates, you’re missing out on the best way to have the posts delivered right to you!

Thanks to all the readers and guest authors who have graciously allowed me to feature their work. If you’re interested in writing a guest post or want to get involved with the magazine, contact me.

Happy New Year!

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