Photo: GaudiLab/Shutterstock

GeoBeats Launches New Destination Blog: Travel Beats

by Ian MacKenzie Sep 13, 2007

Please note: This is a sponsored post.

Say you’ve decided to visit India, China, England, or a thousand other places unknown to you. These days, a quick internet search will reveal a mountain of written data on where to go, what to see, and what to eat.

Over the last few years, this data has grown to include video clips (a topic I previously covered here). is one site that stands out from the crowd for featuring quality travel videos. A quick tour of the website reveals a surprisingly array of destinations, covered with the unique style and perspective of a local guide.

Here’s what they have to say about their work:

The facts presented in the videos are thoroughly researched. The narration in each video focuses on what’s most relevant and interesting for the particular topic. Additionally, in working with passionate filmmakers and hosts, we are able to reflect local flavor and personality across all destinations.

In an interesting twist, GeoBeats has now launched their own travel blog: Travel Beats. The blog is written by the same hosts and filmmakers of their destinations, in a friendly and informative tone that’s insightful and easy to read.

Much like their travel videos, the Travel Beats blog posts are heavily focused on a topic specific to a destination, with coverage extending world-wide. Articles are more in-depth than you would typically read in the average guidebook.

For example, a search in the India archive lists topics like:

  • A Unique Drink From Kerala
  • 5 Biggest Myths About India
  • Janmashtami Festival
  • Birla Temple

What I enjoy most of the Travel Beats blog is that while the posts make sure never to stray into the bland territory of fluffy content – a disease that seems to permeate many destination specific travel blogs (and films).

I believe this can be attributed to the fact that the guides and filmmakers actually live in the cities they cover. They are passionate about their culture and country, and are happy to invite the reader (or viewer) in to share their experience.

While Travel Beats is still new, it’s growing rapidly with great new content. Check it out today and help them out with some feedback!

Ian MacKenzie is editor of Brave New Traveler, and co-founder of the blogging community TravelBlogger. Recently, he also began offering website marketing consulting services specifically for travel websites and service providers. Visit his other project One Week Job.

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