Photo: Undrey/Shutterstock

New "Fresh Prince" Theme Launched

by Ian MacKenzie Jun 10, 2007

This is a quick Sunday post to accompany the brand new “Fresh Prince” theme unveiled this morning.

I know what you’re thinking. Another new theme? Didn’t you just launch one a few months ago?

It’s true, I felt the previous “Batman” theme was decent. And yet, as a friend pointed out, Brave New Traveler is supposed to signify the bold exploration of travel in the 21st century. So why did the theme feel washed out?

Enter: this brand new theme I slaved over for the past month. It’s clean, bold, positively reeking with fiery passion (or so I like to think).

There are a number of feature enhancements as well – most importantly that each post’s author name now links to their own blog. And if you skim to the bottom right, you can see a list of all our contributors along with their amount of posts.

Also, I’ve created a new “Community” page dedicated to listing all the other great travel blogs/magazines from around the net.

And even more exciting for comments, they now come Gravatar enabled. Basically, it’s a globally recognized avatar that you can configure from their website.

But this is all a taste of more significant updates to come…so stay tuned. And for the love of all that is fresh, grab our RSS feed now.

What do you think of the new theme? Please share in the comments!

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