TravelBlogger Gets A Facelift

by Ian MacKenzie Dec 29, 2006

Online travel journals with TravelBlogger

You may know I’m the co-founder of the online travel journal community TravelBlogger.

I started developing the site back in the summer of 2004 with two friends, after I had the epiphany one day in the car, “Hey, what if there was someway for backpackers to blog their journal automatically?”

(Remember, this was when the whole ‘blogging’ phenomenon was just getting started).

Anyway, after months of development, TravelBlogger finally launched in Feb 2005. Since then a lot has happened with blogging — as the idea has become much more mainstream. Everyone had a blog for awhile. It was the cool thing to do.

Now I believe blogging is starting to level out, as many people realize it’s actually a bit of work to maintain. That’s where TravelBlogger comes in.

It’s an alternative to the “everday” blog since you only write it when you’re traveling. It’s your own online space to share your journey, upload your photos, meet other travelers, and keep your friends and family updated back home.

So in honour of the new year, we’ve given TravelBlogger a much-needed facelift, stripping out some extraneous content and fiddling with the design. (Dare I say…a touch of Web 2.0?)

If you’re already a member, I salute you and invite you back to check out the updates. And if you haven’t checked out the site yet, and you’ve got an upcoming or previous trip you’d like to share, feel free to start your free travel blog now.

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