Photo: Rotorhead 30A Productions/Shutterstock

Haiti Earthquake Update: Donations List

Haiti Travel
by Julie Schwietert Jan 13, 2010


Please donate to one of the following orgs to support disaster relief in Haiti.

– UNICEF. Go online to or call (800) 4UNICEF.

– Red Cross. Go online to, or call (800) REDCROSS.

– Direct Relief International. Donate online at

– Mercy Corp. Go online to or mail checks to Haiti Earthquake Fund, Dept. NR, PO Box 2669, Portland, Ore. 97208 or call (888) 256-1900

[Special Note 1/14/10 @2:15 EST]

We are overwhelmed by the outpouring of support and willing volunteers. Thank you.

At this point we are working in direct concert with consul in NYC and established orgs to determine their needs and to wait for their direction.

Please note that Matador will not be taking volunteers to Haiti who are unqualified or unskilled as medican professionals and/or proven disaster relief.

If you’d like to support volunteer efforts in Haiti, please consider donating to one of the orgs listed here.

We’ll continue to keep you updated as we learn more.

One way or another, Matador’s going to Haiti. Here’s what we want to take with us. Can you help?

Plans are coming together for a trip of Matador volunteers to go to Haiti to assist in earthquake recovery and relief.

Whether you’ve already contacted us to express your interest in going, or whether you want to help from home, here’s a list of the items we want to take with us. Consider starting a collection among your friends and family members. Every donation makes a difference.

Baby formula (dry/powder)

Baby wipes

Baby bottles


Baby clothes

Toiletries (shampoo, soap, toothpaste)

Hand sanitizer


First aid kits

Over the counter medicines



Mosquito repellent




Flip flops

T-shirts, pants, lightweight jackets

Non perishable food that’s not in cans (seal-paks of tuna, for example)

There are dozens more items; this is just a starter list. Think flat, lightweight, easily packable.

Interested in sending your donations to Haiti with Matador? Email

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