Photo: Chaton Chokpatara/Shutterstock

Grantourismo Announces First Travel Writing Contest

by Julie Schwietert Mar 11, 2010
I might be envious of Lara Dunston and Terence Carter if they weren’t so nice… and if they didn’t run this sweet contest.

Lara Dunston, travel writer and guidebook author, and her husband Terence Carter, a travel photographer, lined up a pretty sweet deal for 2010.

They’re traveling the world courtesy of HomeAway Holiday-Rentals, visiting 24 destinations in 12 months and “living like locals” by staying in home rentals rather than hotels.

It’s an enviable project for many travel writers and photographers, but one of the caveats built into the agreement with HomeAway is that the Grantourismo project would provide opportunities for other people to travel, too.

Earlier this week, Lara and Terence announced the first in a series of travel writing contests sponsored by Grantourismo and HomeAway.

Each contest will have a specific theme, and the prompt for this contest is “The ‘Hood.” “Posts in this category,” they write, “explore everyday neighbourhoods and the people who live in them, the idea being to inspire people to get out of the tourist zone and off the beaten track, to get an insight into everyday life, and to interact with locals….”

You can read full details about submissions and prizes on the Grantourismo blog.

Community Connection:

Don’t forget the Nick Gallo Award, which is given for the best submission about Mexico. The deadline for that contest is March 15; full details are in this contest announcement.

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