Matador Associate Editor Wins Writing Contest

by Julie Schwietert Jan 21, 2010

JoAnna Haugen with her dog, Butch Mbwa

JoAnna Haugen wins Wanderlust and Lipstick writing contest.

JoAnna Haugen, one of Matador’s associate editors, was just coming back from a Caribbean cruise (a prize for one contest) when she learned that she’d won another contest: Wanderlust and Lipstick’s Wanderwomen Write Contest.

The contest invited female writers to submit one or more non-fiction pieces in one of five categories: Adventure,
Family Fun, Food & Drink, Off the Beaten Path, or Spiritual. Entries were judged by freelance travel writers Vera Marie Badertscher, Harriet Baskas, Rosalind Cummings-Yeates, and Angela Nickerson.

Five other entrants were selected as category winners; JoAnna, though, was the grand prize winner, selected for her piece titled “Building a Family in Kenya.” The prize is a 12 day culture and spa tour of Vietnam, led by Buffalo Tours.

Congratulations, JoAnna! We look forward to reading the pieces you’ll write from Vietnam!

Community Connection:

Though the deadlines have passed, check out joshywashington’s 4 Travel Writing Contests You Should Enter Right Now to learn about organizations and publications that run annual contests.

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