25 Unforgettable Places
to Travel to in 2025

People travel to see something new to them, or to revisit somewhere familiar. To celebrate the anniversary of a country’s independence, eat at the restaurants and street food stalls of a famous food city, or explore nature in a way few others get the chance to do. Or sometimes to just relax and escape it all.

The start of a new year is like a blank book where all of those types of travel and more seem possible with a little planning. There will be difficulties in 2025 as there are every year — overtourism, climate change, the rising cost of visiting popular destinations. Yet the journey is always worth it (and in many cases, avoids the difficulties altogether) at all of Matador Network’s 25 places to go in 2025.

Escape the heat on a “coolcation,” take advantage of newly relaxed visa requirements, and see the full lunar eclipse in one of the best places in the world to see the night sky. Or, yes, escape it all on the beach with a book.

See you out there. — Nickolaus Hines, managing editor

Cameroon | Nairobi | Ghana | Ho Chi Minh City | Ulaanbaatar | Osaka | Xi’an | Rajastan | Seoul | Helsinki | Aarhus | Paris | Fjord Norway | Nuuk | Lexington | Amarillo | South Dakota | Sacramento | Paonia | La Paz | El Salvador | Atacama Desert | Maui | Dominica | Turks and Caicos


Photo: Guitar photographer/Shutterstock


Photo: Destination Alesund and Sunnmore/Kristin Stoylen

North America

Photo: Wick Smith/Shutterstock

Central and South America


Editorial lead

Nickolaus Hines


Morgane Croissant, Katie Gavin, Nickolaus Hines, Tim Wenger