Photo: Zhukova Valentyna/Shutterstock

Canadian Mounted Police Fined Seven US Visitors $1,200 for Hiking in Banff

by Eben Diskin Jun 22, 2020

The border between Canada and the United States has been closed for non-essential travel since March and will remain as such until July 21, but that has not stopped determined US travelers from getting in.

The Canada Border Services Agency is letting Americans through who claim they’re traveling to Alaska. Unfortunately, many are exploiting this loophole and taking a few unsanctioned detours in Canada.

On June 16, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police received a complaint about a vehicle with US license plates being parked at a trailhead near Lake Louise in Banff National Park for an extended period of time. Officers issued four violation tickets at $1,200 each. On June 18, officers were notified about two more US cars parked at Lake Louise, for which two more tickets were issued.

Corporal Deanna Fontaine told The Daily Hive, “[American travelers going to Alaska via Canada] are only to engage in essential needs on the way. Which doesn’t include going hiking in the park.”

Fontaine emphasized that not all cars with US plates in Canada are necessarily breaking the law. Some are legitimately en route to Alaska, while others may belong to people with dual citizenship. If you are crossing the Canadian border to travel to Alaska, it’s important to abide by the rules and not make unnecessarily lengthy stopovers.

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