Photo: trevwilson19/Twitter

Plane Passengers Quarantined in London Airport After Becoming Sick Mid-Flight

by Eben Diskin Mar 7, 2019

It’s not quite the plot of Airplane!, but several people aboard this Virgin Atlantic flight from Barbados to London got sick mid-flight and were later quarantined due to a possible chest infection. According to the BBC, 30 people were checked and treated, two of whom were taken to a hospital. Since the 448 passengers on the flight were all returning from a Caribbean cruise, it’s suspected that this is where the illness originated, but an exact cause has not yet been determined.

Trevor Wilson, one of the plane’s passengers, tweeted that the “flight was exclusively cruise passengers from the MSC Preziosa. The illness seems to have originated on board ship not the plane. Five members of cabin crew became sick on flight.”


When several passengers first reported feeling unwell, the plane was met at the airport by authorities who decided to screen everyone onboard, which is standard procedure when health concerns are involved. Passengers who did not show any symptoms of illness were able to continue on their journey as normal.


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