Photo: American Bar

US Marines Drank Bars in Downtown Reykjavik Dry

Reykjavík News
by Nickolaus Hines Oct 30, 2018

If the craft beer boom in the US has taught us one thing, it’s that Americans like to drink local. Apparently, that also applies to when Americans go abroad. In mid-October, US sailors and Marines drank all of the local beer at several bars in Reykjavik, Iceland, over the course of five days.

The military was docked in Iceland’s capital for NATO exercises. It was the largest NATO gathering since the Cold War, with between 6,000 and 7,000 US service members taking part. When they weren’t working, they were sampling the local fare at the downtown bars. Well, at least the local beer. According to Iceland Magazine, service members drank so much of the local beer at Sæta Svínið, American Bar, and others that the bars had to ask breweries for emergency supplies to refill their fridges.

Whatever your thoughts are about drinking cities dry on your off time, it’s heartening to know that US service members are interested in the products made in the country they’re in. From small craft breweries to Iceland’s big-brand lagers, they took in all tastes of the nation. Local blogger Eiríkur Jónsson wrote that the popular bars borrowed from others with more inventory, but “they were fighting an overwhelming force.”

H/T: Iceland Magazine

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