Trips 2.0: For Trippers, By Trippers

by Carlo Alcos Mar 19, 2009

Carlo rockin’ out

If you’re wondering where you’ve landed, don’t fret. You’re home!

The Matador Network has an all new layout and we’re gearing up to bring you more content.

Each week we’ll be taking you to peaks, rivers, waves, cities and towns around the world, giving you the heads up on places you may not have heard about otherwise.

Your two editors are longtime Matadorians and ex-pats living on opposite sides of the globe. Carlo is a Vancouverite calling Melbourne home for now; Hal grew up deep in the heart of Texas and is currently kicking around the Andes.

We’re both driven by a passion to explore the world, its inhabitants and its beauty.

Hal, about to plummet into a Bolivian canyon

We’ll share what we find along the way but we also hope to learn, so don’t be shy!

If you feel inclined to leave comments on what you see, good or bad, please do. We want to hear your thoughts and experiences even more than we want to hear ourselves (trust us).

But don’t stop there. Become a member of the Matador Community and interact with like-minded travelers. Subscribe to our feeds and have posts delivered to you as they’re written.

And if you have something you’d like to appear on these pages, become a contributor yourself.

These are exiting times at Matador — be a part of them!

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