Trips: Knowing Us, Knowing You

by Hal Amen Oct 19, 2009
your editors

Your editors, Hal (being ridiculous) and Carlo (saying wtf!?)

Readers, it’s time we got to know each other better.

As the world’s largest independent travel magazine, Matador holds transparency as one of its core values.

Matador Network brings you dozens of stories each week straight from our own experiences and those of our contributors. They’re written by people who know the places and issues they’re covering, and are motivated to share that knowledge with an audience who appreciates it.

Here at Trips, transparency manifests itself in guides that cut the BS and tell you what you want to know about a destination. In other words, we’re not trying to “sell” you place, just show it to you.

We think it’s an approach that works. So, in the spirit of transparency…

We Want You to Know Who We Are

You can visit the Trips About page to learn about your editors, check out our bylines, scope our Matador profiles.

But the door opens further than that. Our web presence isn’t limited to Trips; we both keep personal blogs where we wax (usually unpoetically) about our travels, our lives, and what it’s like being an editor for Matador.

Hal’s is called WayWorded and is coming up on its two-year anniversary. Carlo maintains two: the eponymous Carlo Alcos and The Long Layover, where he’s chronicling his and his wife’s current lives in Melbourne.

And we’re not the only ones. To find links to the personal sites of everyone on the Matador team, scroll down to the sidebar list titled “Editor Blogs” on any article in the network.

We Want to Know Who You Are

Hal hiking Mt. Snowdon, Wales

That’s us. How about you?

There would be no Trips without its readers, so we want to know who you are and what’s in your head.

What Trips piece is your absolute favorite? Which article opened you up to a destination you’d never heard of or considered before? What made you laugh, sigh, smirk?

How can we improve?

We’ve put ourselves out there — now it’s your turn. Join the discussion by commenting on this or any other post, or email us your take directly at hal[at]matadornetwork[dot]com and carlo[at]matadornetwork[dot]com.

We can’t wait to hear from you.

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