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Your Top 20 Bucket List Trips

Chile Costa Rica Spain Greece Italy Jordan Japan Mozambique New Zealand Panama Peru Singapore Syria Thailand South Africa Luxe Travel Insider Guides Adventure Center: Travelers-in-Residence
by Joshywashington Jul 20, 2012
Bucket lists are a dime a dozen — but these 20 trips don’t skimp on epic.

FOR ME, the point of a bucket list is not to quantify one place or experience as better or more favorable than another. The point is to dream about the life of travel I hope to live.

To stoke your travel imagination, we recently asked our readers to vote on an epic roster of 200 Adventure Center ‘bucket list’ trips.

These are your top 20.

1. Chile & Argentina

If you’re interested in taking Patagonia at a slower pace, read Jeff Bartlett’s 16 reasons to travel Patagonia by bike, in which Jeff and his wife pedal their way through the Lakes District of Argentina.

2. Buenos Aires to Rio de Janeiro

Matador contributor Nancy Harder explains how the visitor to Buenos Aires can do more than just see the sights in Urban Volunteering: Buenos Aires. Give it a read for some serious do-gooder inspiration.

3. NZ, North Island

For some fresh New Zealand bragging material, look no further than Turner Wright’s article 9 New Zealand adventures worth bragging about and impress your friends with your newfound excess of travel gravitas.

4. Japan

Before you visit Japan, brush up on your knowledge of Japanese culture. Consider 10 customs you must know before a trip to Japan — your guide to bowing, bathing, chopsticks, and tipping.

5. Northern Spain

After you have your fill of cathedrals, wine, and tapas in Barcelona, read Surfer’s guide to Asturias, Spain and head for the northwestern coast — just east of Galicia and west of Cantabriafor — to catch some waves.

6. Highlights of Italy

One thing you don’t want to do, whether in Sicily, Roma, or elsewhere, is piss off an Italian. Matador’s How to piss off an Italian gives you fair warning — don’t skip the cheek kiss!

7. Greek Island hopper

I can pretty easily imagine things to do in the Greek Isles — swim in the sea, sunbathe, snap photos, eat too many gyros, visit ruins…. But do you know what to avoid? What NOT to do in Santorini clues you in.

8. Peru & the Inca culture

When traveling around Peru, you may need to cross a border or two. Matador has you covered with Border crossing guide: Iquitos, Peru to Manaus, Brazil and Border crossing guide(s): Peru to Ecuador to Colombia.

9. NZ, South Island

Travel to New Zealand isn’t all glaciers and bungee jumping (there are giant swings too!) — there’s a lot of opportunities to volunteer as well. Julie Schwietert lines up the organizations that are doing good in Quick guide to New Zealand’s NGOs and non-profits.

10. Mozambique

Not with a tour group during your South African journey? Stick out your thumb and follow Mary Richardson’s advice in How to hitchhike in Southern Africa – 15 tips.

11. Road to Delhi

MatadorU student Prinyanka Kher knows where to eat in Dehli. Follow her lead in How to stuff your face in Delhi, India.

12. Beaches of Thailand

Matador has heaps of photos, articles, and advice on traveling to Thailand. I recommend starting off with Best trips: Thailand and How to get off the tourist trail in Southeast Asia, and then jump into the Matador Community forums to ask for the latest tips and advice from travelers in the region.

13. Bangkok to Singapore

Free movies, free museums, and cheap food — save some coin when visiting Singapore by abiding by the tips put forth in Singapore on a shoestring budget.

14. Sabah, Malaysia

For some serious armchair adventure travel, check out this Jeep-thrashing overland trek on MatadorTV — Drive across Malaysia.

15. Zambia to South Africa

Matador has compiled a massive compendium of NGOs and work opportunities for the benefit of the traveler in 44 volunteer and professional opportunities in Africa.

16. Rome to Amalfi

You know you want to go, but you’re wondering — What’s the best time to visit Italy?. In this article, Matador Community members share their experience for the benefit of all would-be visitors.

17. Tibet overland

There’s more to Tibet than Lhasa. What NOT to do in Tibet suggests the traveler get outside of well-trod tourist areas…and warns not to expect to get anywhere too quickly.

18. Costa Rica & Panama

Read the powerful story of a surfer’s encounter with a US Marine in War and Peace on a Costa Rican Beach. Would you have the temerity to voice the questions burning in your mind as the author did?

19. Machu Picchu

You don’t have to be an all-out badass to do some hiking in Peru. Read The inexperienced hiker’s guide to the Inca Trail for practical tips on trekking to Machu Picchu.

20. Jordan & Syria

Matador offers information on two very different things to do in Jordan — luxury travel and volunteering. Volunteering in Jordan gives plenty of volunteer options, and in How to splurge in Jordan Hal Amen shows you how to spend with abandon.

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