Photo: Ecco Books

The Travel Guide Anthony Bourdain Started Writing Before His Death Is Coming Out This Year

by Eben Diskin Jan 15, 2020

Before Anthony Bourdain’s untimely death last June, he had been working on a travel guide with his assistant Laurie Woolever, called World Travel: An Irreverent Guide. There’s still quite a while to wait before the book’s release, but a few tidbits have been revealed that might satiate your appetite for the time being.

In a recent press release, Woolever said, “This book will allow Tony’s fans and followers to continue to travel in his footsteps. It’s been my honor and pleasure to create a book that includes stories from his loved ones and colleagues. I was lucky to work closely with Tony for nearly a decade, and I’m so pleased to be able to share his reflections and insights about the world, as he saw it, in this guide.”

The book, published by Ecco, contains Bourdain’s insights on why certain destinations became his favorites, as well as advice on how to get there, essential foods to try, where to stay, and what to avoid. There will also be travel recommendations from Bourdain’s friends, family, and colleagues.

Anthony Bourdain Travel book

Photo: Ecco Books

The book cover, a subtle yet striking illustrated portrait of Bourdain, perfectly captures the spirit of the man the travel world admired very much.

The much-anticipated travel guide will be published on October 13, 2020.

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