Laura Tritt is a mother (she usually responds to mooooo-oooooom), wife, attorney in trade, pioneer in spirit, storyteller in heart, and a poet in soul. Having recently returned to the United States after three years abroad in Valdivia, Chile, she and her “Fiesta de 5” are thoroughly enjoying reacquainting their new roots with their old ones, and continuing to appreciate the quiet beauty that exists around every corner of this small world. Laura believes that her family’s journey abroad was, without question, the most enriching, enlightening, unifying, gratifying and metamorphic experience that they have ever experienced, as a unit and individually. As such, her absolute favorite thing to do (second to being a wife and mother of course) is to write about those adventures (and mishaps! A whole LOTTA mishaps) abroad. (Because, let’s be real. When you combine (1) raising 3 kiddos; with (2) trying to make it in a new country and culture, it can really only lead to (3) hilarity. Sprinkled with a healthy dose of humility.) She also takes great pleasure in chronicling trip details and sharing her travel tips. From Machu Picchu to Easter Island, Argentina to the Chilean Patagonia, she is beyond enthusiastic to help fellow travelers and paint a picture of South America’s incomparably majestic landscape and people.