A story series about people who risk their lives for music and who wield music as a weapon of peace in war zones and totalitarian regimes around the world. The series follows journalist and producer Daniel Gerstle’s journey to document and help produce Somalia’s first hiphop concert tour featuring the threatened group Waayaha Cusub. It will be the world’s first “stealth” concert tour and Mogadishu’s first professional concert in two decades. For all the gory details of music, venues, and hijinx on the road in Somalia, Kenya, and other parts of the world, follow here on Matador, and on Facebook.
[Photo credit: David Gill]
Hardcore dancing in places like Iraq, Palestine, and Chechnya.
He gets out of the hospital spinning lyrics, resurrected like an East African Tupac.
"Our concept is to create a waayaha cusub, which means 'new era,' for all Somalis."
For years I've been searching the globe from Somalia to Chechnya to Iraq to Afghanistan.